In this section, you will find details about permissions in the StackSpot Account.
Permissions are a set of actions defined for one or more Resources on the platform. Resources represent the objects users interact with, such as Accounts, Workspaces, plug-ins, Stacks, and Applications.
The interactions with resources are called actions and depend on their Resource Type. Resource Types represents the entities from StackSpot where the resources came from. The entities are StackSpot Platform (as a whole), Account, Workspace, Studios, and Insights.
Based on that, check below some permission examples:
- Permission to create a Workspace;
- Permission to create a Plugin;
- Permission to create a Stack;
Check out the tables below to view the permissions according to Resource Type:
Resource type: StackSpot Platform
The permissions from this Resource Type are for management roles. So that's why Accounts, Studios, and Workspaces are considered resources here.
Resource | Action | Description |
Account | create, update, activate, deactivate | A role with permissions for this resource in this resource type can create, update, deactivate, or activate an Account. |
Studio | create, update, delete, view, change visibility | A role with permissions for this resource in this resource type can create,delete, edit, and change the visibility of a Studio from a StackSpot Account. |
Workspace | create, update, delete | A role with permissions for this resource in this resource type can create, delete, and edit, a Workspace from a StackSpot Account. |
Resource type: Account
The permissions from this Resource Type concern StackSpot actions users can do with Account resources.
Resource | Action | Description |
Partner | create, update, delete | A role with permissions for this resource in this resource type can create, update, and delete a Partner Account. |
APIs | associate, disassociate,grant_access | Manage shared API resource and access control with the partner Account. |
Product | associate, disassociate | Manage shared Product API resource with the partner. |
Group | create, update, delete, associate, disassociate, view | A role with permissions for this resource, in this resource type, can manage groups. |
Role | create, update, delete, associate, disassociate, view | These are permissions related to what can be done with Roles within the account. For example, creating a new Role, updating a Role or deleting a Role. |
Members | associate, create, update, view | Users with these permissions can associate roles with members, create new members, update member information or view members. |
SCM | create, view, update | A user with these permissions can setup SCM credentials at the account level; view SCM credentials at the account level and update SCM credentials at the account level. |
Invite | create, update, view, delete | A user with these permissions can invite new members to the account; update pending invitations; view invitations; revoke pending invitations. |
Credentiasl | view, create, update,delete, associate, disassociate | - |
Resource Type | view | A user with this permission can view the resource types in the StackSpot Platform. |
Personal Access Token (PAT) | view, create | A user with this permissions can view personal access token; and create Client Id/Client Secret Access Token |
Resource | view | A user with this permission can view groups and roles resources. |
Permissions | view | A user with this permissions can see groups and roles permissions within the StackSpot Platform. |
Knowledge source (AI Platform resource) | create, update, delete | Management of Knowledge Sources in the Account context. Ability to create, update (change the name, description, and settings of the AI Stack) and delete a Knowledge Source in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Custom quick commands (AI Platform resource) | create, update, delete | Management of Custom Quick Commands in the Account context. Ability to create, update (change the name, description, and settings of the AI Stack) and delete a Custom Quick Command in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Custom Cloud Account (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view | - |
Managed cloud Account (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view | - |
FinOps Reports (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view | |
FinOps Billing (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | download | - |
FinOps Saving Plans (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | request, cancel | - |
FinOps Forecast (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view | - |
Support (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view, open, close | - |
Alerts (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | acknowledge | Acknowledge alerts in account |
Baseline (Recurso da Plataforma de Cloud Sources) | view, create, update | - |
Resource type: Studio
The permissions from this Resource Type are actions users can do with Studio resources.
Resource | Action | Description |
Plugins | publish, unpublish, deprecate, download | Actions a person can do with a Plugin inside a Studio. For example, a user can create a Plugin in a Studio. |
Action | publish, unpublish, deprecate | What users can do with an Action inside a Studio. For example, a user can create an Action in a Studio. |
Stacks | create, update, delete, publish, unpublish, deprecate, set | Actions users can do with a Stack inside a Studio. For example, to create a Stack. |
Starters | create | Actions a user can do with a Starter inside a Studio. |
Stack AI (AI Platform resource) | create, update, delete | Management of Stack AI content in Studios. Ability to create, update (change the name, description, and settings of the AI Stack) and delete a Stack AI in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Custom quick commands (AI Platform resource) | publish, unplublish | Management of Custom Quick Commands in Studios. |
Resource type: Workspace
The permissions from this Resource Type are actions users can do with Workspace resources.
Resource | Action | Description |
Stack Associations | associate, unassociated | Actions a user can do with a Stack in a Workspace. For example, a user can add a Stack to a Workspace. |
Plugins Setup | Setup | Actions a user can do with a Plugin in a Workspace. For example, define context inputs when plugins will be used. |
Actions Setup | Setup | An user can setup an Action in the Workspace. |
Dynamic Links | create, update, delete | Actions a user can do with a Dynamic Link in a Workspace. For example, define whether the dynamic link configured in the plugin will be visible after creating the Application. |
Static Links | create, update, delete, view | Manage the creation of Static Links. For example, users can create/add Static Links to a Workspace, delete them later, or edit their URL. |
Applications | create, delete, update | Actions a user can do with an Application in a Workspace. For example, a user with this permission can create an Application in the Workspace. |
Infrastructure | create, delete, update | Actions a user can do with Infrastructures in a Workspace. For example, a user with this permission can create an Infrastructure in the Workspace. |
Connection Interfaces (Manual) | create, delete, update, view | Manage Connection Interfaces manual creation and visibility to share with others Workspaces. |
Connection Interfaces (Automatic) | view | A user with this permission can manage Connection Interfaces visibility to share with others Workspaces. |
APIs | create, update, delete | Manage catalog api creation. A user with this permission can create an API in the Workspace. |
Products | create, update, delete, view | Manage catalog API's products creation |
Cloud Providers | create, update | Configure cloud provider accounts per workspace environment. |
Stack AI | associate, disassociate | Management of Stack AI content in Workspaces. Ability to associate/disassociate a Stack AI to a Workspace in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Knowledge source (AI Platform resource) | associate, disassociate | Knowledge Sources management in Workspaces. Ability to associate/disassociate a Knowledge Source to a Workspace in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Custom quick commands (AI Platform resource) | associate, disassociate | Custom Quick Commands management in Workspaces. Ability to associate/disassociate a Custom Quick Command to a Workspace in the StackSpot AI platform. |
Alerts (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view, acknowledge | - |
Guard Rails (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view, activate, deactivate | - |
Custom Cloud Account (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view, create, update, delete | - |
Managed Cloud Account (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view, create, update, delete | - |
Cloud Resource (Cloud Services Platform Resource) | view | - |
Resource Type Insights
The permissions from this Resource Type are actions users can do with Insights resources.
Resource | Description | Action |
Report | download_studio; download_account | - |
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