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Within Accounts, many people can work across the StackSpot Platform for different purposes. Therefore, they need different types of access and permissions. In StackSpot it is used the Policy-Based Access Control (PBAC), Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) systems to create a powerful and flexible access control framework.

This means that user permissions across the platform are based on resources and types of roles they have. Permissions are based on:

  • Resource Type.
  • Resource.
  • Action.

See below an overview of the main concepts for understanding roles and permissions:

Main Concepts

Account MemberUsers that are part of your Account Organization.-
GroupsGroups are a collection of several users who have the same types of roles and resources, which means the same level of permission.There can be a group with: Studio Administrator and Content Creator permissions; five members; and one Studio called New-Studio as a resource.
Resource TypeRepresents the entities from StackSpot where the resources came from.StackSpot Platform, Account, Studio, Workspace.
ResourceResources represent the objects that users interact with.Plugins, Links, Stacks, Starters, and others.
PermissionsPermissions are a set of actions defined for one or more platform resourcesPermission to activate an Account and to create a Stack.
ActionsActions are automated tasks that a user can do with a resource."Publish a Plugin in a Studio." "Publish" is the action, "Plugin" is the resource "in a Studio" is the resource type.
RolesIn StackSpot, roles categorize users, or groups of users. It defines what account permissions those users have, such as what data they can read or what account assets they can modify. By granting permissions to roles, any users associated with that role receive that permission.In StackSpot the default roles are: account_holder; sys_admin, account_admin, workspace_admin, studio_admin, content_creator, developer, sre, partner_admin and partner_member

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