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Account Members

In this section, you will find details about members in the StackSpot Account.


Members are users you add to your organization to collaborate with your StackSpot Account. In this section you learn:

  • How to add new members;
  • How to activate or block members;
  • How to manage account members.


Add a member to your Account


If you have configured your account's SSO and integrated an Identity Provider (e.g. Azure AD) to manage the users, the process for adding members is not as follows. To find out how to import members from an Identity Provider into StackSpot, go to the guide SSO Setup.

Step 1. Access the Account Portal directly via the link, or after logging into the StackSpot Portal, click on your profile avatar;

Step 2. Select the 'Organization' option from the displayed menu;

Step 3. In the main menu of the Account Portal, click on Access Management;

Step 4. Click on 'Members';

Step 5. Click on the 'Add members' button;

Step 6. Fill out the information:

  • Username;
  • E-mail;
  • First name;
  • Last name;
  • Phone (optional).

Step 7. Decide how you want the member to set up their account e-mail:

  • Enable the 'Onboarding' button: If you want the user to set up their e-mail by themselves. So, when you add the user, they will receive an e-mail to set up the account password.
  • Disable the 'Onboarding' button: If you want to set up the user password. Then, you need to inform them using an external tool like your enterprise Chat.

Step 8. Decide whether the member will be able to log in to the Account as soon as you add them to your organization:

  • Enable the 'Active User' button so that the member you have added can already log in.
  • Disable the 'Active User' button so that the member you have added cannot log in yet.

Click on the 'Save' button.

Members information management

You can edit your Account Member's information after you add them to your organization. See the steps to do that below:

Step 1. Access the Account Portal directly via the link, or after logging into the StackSpot Portal, click on your profile avatar;

Step 2. Select the 'Organization' option from the displayed menu;

Step 3. In the main menu of the Account Portal, click on Access Management;

Step 4. Click on 'Members';

Step 5. In this section, you can find a list of all your Account Members. Check below the information you can see from each member:

  • Users ID;
  • Username;
  • E-mail;
  • Member status: Active/blocked. Here you can activate or block a member on your account.
  • Reset password: In this section, you can reset your Account member's password. To do that, click on the 'Reset Password' at the end of the page.

Step 6. Click on the member you want to manage or edit information. See how to do each configuration below:

Edit a member's data

In the 'User information' tab you can edit any information you configured when you first added the member. Follow the instructions to do that:

  1. Click on the information fields and edit it as you like;
  2. After you edit, click on the 'Save' button.

Edit a member's Group

In the 'Groups' tab you can add the member to a group. Follow the instructions to do that:

  1. Click on the 'Groups' tab;
  2. Click on the 'Add Groups' button;
  3. Select a Group from a list that shows up on the right side of the screen.

Add or remove a role to a member

In the 'Roles' tab you can assign a role to the member.


It's a good practice to add a member to the Group instead of adding a role and a resource directly to them.

See the steps to do that on the Groups' page.

To add a new role

Follow the instructions:

  1. Click the 'Add role' button.
  2. Select the roles and click on the 'Add' button.

To remove a role

Follow the instructions:

  1. Click on 'Remove' button next to the role you want to remove.
  2. Confirm the removal.

Manage a member's resources

In the 'Resources' tab, you can see what resources an account member has permission to work on.


A member of your account has the role of Content Creator, but he doesn't have permission to create Plugins within a Studio called 'Test Studio' that was recently created.

For him to be allowed to create Plugins within the test Studio, you have to add the resource to the member.

In this resource tab, you can choose/assign which Studios the member can create Plugins in.

In the case of this example, you would assign the resource of: create Plugins within the test Studio.

In this tab, you can both add a new resource to the account member or delete it.

See the instructions below:

To add a resource

Step 1: Click on the **'Add Resource' button;

Step 2. Search for the resource (or resources) you want to add and select it;

Step 3. Click on the 'Add' button.

To delete a resource

Click the 'Remove' button next to the resource you want to delete.

Once you've set everything up, click the 'Save' button.

Next Steps:

  • Create Groups to manage your Account members roles and permissions.

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