In this section, you will find details about Slugs.
Slugs are distinct identifiers for Accounts, Studios, Stacks, and Plugins within StackSpot's URLs. They play a crucial role in resource sharing and content identification on the platform.
Configuring a Slug involves assigning a unique 'name' to an Account, Studio, Stack, or Plugin. This name becomes an integral part of the URL, enabling the sharing of resources across various StackSpot channels. Slugs simplify resource access and management within the platform.
See below a Slug structure:
The Account Slug is in the URL address's first path after the StackSpot hostname (
# hostname / path 1
Every Account must have a Slug as a unique identifier. You have to follow the rules in the Create Slug(#create-slug) section to create Account Slugs. You can't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
The Studio Slug is in the first path of the URL address, right after the StackSpot hostname (
# hostname / path 1
Every Studio must have a Slug as a unique identifier. You must follow the rules in the 'Create Slug' section below to create Studio Slugs. You can't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
The Plugin Slug is in the second path of the URL address, right after the StackSpot hostname ( You need to add the Studio slug first.
# hostname / path 1 / path 2
Every Plugin must have a Slug as a unique identifier in your Studio. You have to follow the rules in the Create Slug section below to create Plugin Slugs. You can't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
The Stack Slug is in the second path of the URL address, right after the StackSpot hostname ( You need to add the Studio slug first.
# hostname / path 1 / path 2
# hostname / path 1 / path 2
Every Stack must have a Slug as a unique identifier in your Studio. You must follow the rules in the Create Slug section below to create Stack Slugs. You can't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
The Action Slug is in the second path of the URL address, right after the StackSpot hostname ( You need to add the Studio slug first.
# hostname / path 1 / path 2
Every Action must have a Slug as a unique identifier in your Studio. You have to follow the rules in the Create Slug section below to create Action Slugs. You can't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
Create Slug
Before you begin
You need to follow some rules to ensure the Slugs have the same standards without errors.
- Rule 1. Follow the RFC3986 suggestions. It has standards for creating URLs and avoiding conflicts when using them.
Rules to create a Slug
Slugs on StackSpot are unique; you cannot use an existing slug.
To create Slugs for any purpose (Account, Stack, Studio), follow the specifications:
- Have at least three characters;
- Have 30 characters tops;
- The first three characters cannot have any special ones (hyphen);
- Follow the Kebab Case
convention; - It can't end with any special character;
- All characters need to be lowercase;
- Don't use the StackSpot exclusive names.
- Valid regular characters:
(a-z): abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- Valid special characters:
(hyphen): a-b-c-d-e
StackSpot exclusive names
These Slug names are exclusive to StackSpot. The names below are unavailable for you to use in Accounts, Stacks, and Studios.
Unavailable Slug names |
login |
download |
studios |
enterprise |
workspaces |
settings |
plugins |
actions |
components |
tasks |
packages |
invite |
stackspot |
zup |
stk |