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Manage Secrets

Secrets can be stored in personal profiles, allowing sensitive information such as access keys, tokens, and credentials to be securely utilized in specific contexts.

Here’s an example:

If you need StackSpot to access a private repository on GitHub for tasks like deployments or cloning code, you can register a Personal Access Token (PAT) as a Secret in your personal profile. This token will enable StackSpot to authenticate your access to the repository.

To register a Secret, follow these steps:


  • You must have permission from the Account Holder or Account Manager.

Access the Permissions page for more information.

Steps to register a Secret

Step 1: Access the StackSpot Portal. You have two options to access the portal:

  1. Go directly to the Account Portal.
  2. After logging into the StackSpot EDP Portal, click on your profile avatar.

Step 2: Select the 'Organization' option, then click on 'Identity and Security';

Step 3: Click on the 'Secrets Management' section;

Step 4: Click the 'Register Secret' button to start the registration process;

Step 5: Select the type of Secret you want to register and fill in the specific information according to the chosen type. See the details below:

Types of Secrets and required fields

  1. API Key: Used to authenticate client application requests to APIs. Fill out the fields:
  • Secret Name
  • Header Name
  • Value
  • Expiration Date (Optional)
  1. Bearer Tokens (OAuth): Tokens issued as part of the OAuth2 authorization framework allow clients to access protected resources. Fill out the fields:
  • Secret Name
  • Header Name
  • Header Value
  • Expiration Date (Optional)
  1. Client Credentials: Commonly used for server-to-server communication; a client application must authenticate using client credentials. Fill out the fields:
  • Secret Name
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scopes (Optional): Add multiple scopes, such as profile, edit, email, iam.role, etc.
  • Expiration Date (Optional)
  1. Certificate: Client certificates are used for mutual TLS authentication, ensuring identity validation and encrypted communication. Fill out the fields:
  • Secret Name
  • Certificate: Drag and drop the files. Private Key (Optional): You can drag and drop the files. Only .key files are supported.
  • Expiration Date: Automatically filled when adding the certificate.
  1. Key/Value (Key/Value). Fill out the fields:
  • Secret Name
  • Registration Method: Choose between adding a file or entering the key and value manually.
  • Expiration Date (Optional)

Step 6: Click the 'Register Secret' button.

Step 7: Check your Secret on the listing screen after registration. You will be able to view information such as:

  • Credential Type
  • Creation Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Secret Status

How to edit a Secret

  • Make sure to copy and save the secret information when registering it, as some data may not be displayed again.
  • Utilize the edit functionality to verify where the Secret is applied before making any changes or deletions.

You can edit a registered Secret by following these steps:

Step 1: In the StackSpot Portal, go to the 'Secrets' section; Step 2: Click the 'More Options' button next to the Secret you want to edit;

Step 3: Click the 'Edit' button to edit the Secret. Fill in the required fields:

  • New Header Name
  • New Value
  • Expiration Date (Optional)

How to deactivate or delete a Secret

Deactivate a Secret

When a Secret is deactivated at the organization level, it becomes unavailable. If a user attempts to use applications or resources that depend on this Secret, an error message will be displayed.

To deactivate a Secret, follow these instructions:

  1. In the 'Secrets' section, click the 'More Options' button;
  2. Click the 'Deactivate' button.

You can reactivate the Secret if necessary.

Delete a Secret


Deleting a Secret is an irreversible process.

  1. In the 'Secrets' section, click the 'More Options' button.
  2. Click the 'Delete Secret' button.

The Secret will be permanently removed from the listed locations within 30 days.

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