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Metadata is an object created during a Plugin's execution. It contains several values that can assist in executing other processes or creating automation.

inputs: Dict
global_inputs: Dict
computed_inputs: Dict
global_computed_inputs: Dict
filters: Dict
target_path: Path
component_path: Path

metadata.inputs: It is a dictionary with the processed inputs.

The global_inputs, computed_inputs and global_computed_inputs inputs type show the same behavior as the inputs. The main difference is that each one contains its respective data.

Check an example below:

# Plugin/Hook example
- ping -c 4 {{ inputs.ipv4 }}
# ou
- ping -c 4 {{ ipv4 }}

The ipv4 input is requested during hook execution. It interpolates before executing the command.

The processed inputs are also added to the object body.

Check an example below:


# If you are running inside the Jinja template, the metadata term is omitted.

{{ inputs.varname }}
{{ varname }}

metadata.target_path: Local path to execute a Plugin.

Check an example below:

# Example in a Plugin/Hook
commands: |
kubectl apply -f {{ target_path }}/deployment/main.yaml

The target_path delivers the current execution folder, for example:

metadata.component_path: Plugin source path. It is the location where the Plugin is stored.

Check an example below:

# Example in a Plugin/Hook
windows: |
call "{{ component_path }}\scripts\my-another.bat"
linux: |
bash "{{ component_path }}/scripts/"

The component_path helps keep your binaries and your scripts organized in your Plugin. And it also delivers a simple way to link, to execute later.

Advanced Metadata

You can use metadata in more advanced features.

The target_path and component_path values are objects of type Path. In these cases, you can use the properties and methods of that object in the context of execution. Check the example below:

# Plugin/Hook example
commands: |
# projects size
du -sh {{ stack_path.parent }}


Metadata are used in Declarative Hooks scenarios. For example, you can use the type: run-script here, check below:

- type: run-script
import json
from templateframework.metadata import Metadata

def run(metadata: Metadata):
with open(f"{metadata.target_path}/package.json") as f:
data = json.load(f)

if data["license"] == "MIT":
print("license ok")
print("license error, please set MIT license at package.json")

return metadata

Methods and properties available via metadata in a script

metadata.all_inputs()All processed inputs from Plugins.
metadata.inputsInputs dictionary.
metadata.global_inputsDictionary of global inputs.
metadata.global_computed_inputsDictionary of global computed inputs.
metadata.target_pathPath where the Plugin is running.
metadata.component_pathPlugin Path (~/.stk/stacks/my-stack/).
metadata.filtersContains string filters integrated into Jinja Templates.
metadata.group_id_folder(str)Replace . with /
metadata.to_unidecode(str)Removes the Latin characters for ANSII (eg. áçhó -> acho).