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In this section, you will find reference of a Declarative Hook of the type render-templates.

A Declarative Hook of the type render-templates can be used to perform conditional file generation. By using a Declarative Hook of this type, connected to a condition, you can control whether or not some file will be generated according to a condition. Check a usage example:

name: Declarative Hooks Plugin example
description: My Plugin with Declarative Hooks
- app
- label: first input
type: text
name: first_input
- type: render-templates
trigger: after-render
path: templates-java
variable: language
operator: "=="
value: java
- type: render-templates
trigger: after-render
path: templates-kotlin
variable: language
operator: "=="
value: kotlin

In the above case, when the input language was filled in with the value java, it generated the files that are in the folder templates-java. If the input is filled in with the value kotlin, it generates the files that are in the templates-kotlin folder.

Available Actions


Field to define triggers that inform the moment in which the generation of files should occur.

before-input: Executes the Declarative Hook before receiving the input parameters from the user person.

trigger: before-input

before-render: Runs the Declarative Hook before the Plugin generates or updates files in the project.

trigger: before-render

after-render: Runs the Declarative Hook after the Plugin generates or updates files in the project.

trigger: after-render



The condition directory needs to be outside the 'templates' folder.

A field that determines a condition to execute the Declarative Hook.

variable: Variable used in the condition. The variable is defined by the inputs and computed-inputs of a Plugin. Check out more details in the inputs in yaml files section.

operator: A conditional operator is used in the operation between variable and value. The operators are:

"=="Validates if the values are equal.
"!="Validates if the values are different.
">"Validates if a variable is greater than value..
"<"Validates if the variable is less than the value.
">="Validates if the variable is greater than or equal to the value.
"<="Validates if the variable is less than or equal to the value.
containsAnyValidates if the list-type variable contains any values in **value**. If **value** is not a list, it treats **value** as a list with a single element. If **value** is an empty list, it returns **false**.
containsAllValidates if the list-type variable contains all the values in **value**. If **value** is not a list, it treats **value** as a list with a single element. If **value** is an empty list, it returns **true**.
containsOnlyValidates if the list-type variable is a permutation of the items in **value**. If **value** is not a list, it treats **value** as a list with a single element.

Reference value for the operator to check the conditional.


You must use double quotes for the following operators: "==", "!=", ">", ">=", "<", "<=".


  • containsAny
# Operator containsAny
- label: Should appear if field 4 contains any value item1
type: text
name: contains_any_operator_test_1
default: ok
variable: field_4
operator: containsAny
value: item1
- label: Should appear if field 4 contains any value item1, item2
type: text
name: contains_any_operator_test_2
default: ok
variable: field_4
operator: containsAny
value: [item1, item2]
  • containsAll
  # Operator containsAll
- label: Should appear if field 4 contains all values item1, item2
type: text
name: contains_all_operator_test_1
default: ok
variable: field_4
operator: containsAll
value: [item1, item2]